Piccoloak update 2- Body nearly finished

Finally made a symmetrical body, rather proud of it.

Piccoloak update 1- Mould making

Spent the day making a mould for my piccolo. Made out of 2 pieces of 1.8mm mdf sandwiched togeather, then hollowed out with a drill and drum sander. Placed my first piccolo next to it for size comparison, same length as my old one at 185mm, but a tad wider and the top and bottom.

New Piccolo design (The Piccoloak)


Built a piccolo last summer, and while I liked the look of the body, it was a right pain to bend the sides. Here’s the build log for it over at Ukulele Cosmos http://www.ukulelecosmos.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=23326&hilit=piccolo

Redesigned it to make the body easier to bend,and made the top flat to make it easier to join the body to the neck. Kinda based on the old Kamaka pineapple ukes. So far I’ve glued some MDF together for the mould, should have that ready to start bending the sides into tomorrow.

First summer project

Decided I want to build a long neck soprano, so whipped one up in sketchup. Should start making the mould and jigs over the weekend. If you’d like the skethup files for it, just ask 🙂

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